​2023-11-19: Highly Overdue News Updates
Our paper on nitromethane chloramination kinetics was published in a special issue of ES&T on oxidative water treatment processes
Welcome to new PhD students Haotian Cai, Xiao Yang, and Sanaiya Islam!
Welcome to new postdoc Kris Isaacson!
We received several grants:
-NSF Environmental Engineering GOALI project on vapor gap RO with Tony Straub from CU Boulder
-NSF Environmental Chemistry project on alcohol chlorination with Emily Marron from U. Utah
-DOE NAWI project on 222nm UV treatment with Tony Straub and Karl Linden from CU Boulder
-The USC ReWater Center, funded by US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC CERL
2022-07-27: Highly Overdue News Updates
Congrats to Lily Shi and Sophia Plata for both finishing their PhDs! Lily is now a postdoc at Stanford, and Sophia is a visiting assistant professor at Swarthmore College
Congrats to postdoc Jean Van Buren for accepting a Physical Scientist position at the USEPA in Cincinnati!
Welcome to new PhD student Aarti Visswanathan!
Our first paper on heterogeneous catalysis for contaminant oxidation using dissolved oxygen was published in ES&T, and with collaborators at Eawag we published a review on ozonation of organics in Water Research
Dr. McCurry was interviewed on The Takeaway, a nationally-syndicated NPR show produced by WNYC, about water scarcity, water reuse, and the future of California's water supplies. He narrowly avoided an FCC fine for colorful language while describing de facto reuse
2020-09-03: Summer updates (NSF grant, new members, scholarships)
Dr. McCurry, with collaborators Drs. John Sivey and Keith Reber from Towson University, was awarded an NSF grant from the Division of Chemistry! The grant will support research into environmental halogenation of aromatic compounds such as parabens, which are ubiquitous preservative chemicals and greywater contaminants.​
The lab welcomes new members Marella Schammel (PhD student) and Georgia Cardosa (ENE junior)!
Euna Kim won a Graduate Scholarship from the CA-NV section of AWWA!
Marella Schammel won an NSF GRFP!
Georgia Cardosa won a Provost's Undergraduate Research Fellowship!